getting started

If you do not have a listing on our site you can either CLAIM or CREATE a listing.

If you already have created or claimed a listing you can search our directory page and find your listing

find your listing

Once you get to your listing click on EDIT on the top RIGHT of the screen

On the Editing page

You will be brought to the edit page where you will have multiple options you can select to edit

Edit listing plan

Under CATEGORY and PLAN SELECTION you can change your listing category and view and change your plan

Edit listing details

Under LISTING INFORMATION you can edit your listing details and contact information, change and update social media links, address, phone, email and more

Edit listing images

Under LISTING IMAGES you can view your photos and upload new ones. You can choose which image you want to be your thumbnail and delete photos you do not want.

To the RIGHT of the page you will see how many images you are allowed to upload, how many you have uploaded and the reccomended size settings for your images.

Edit listing attachments

Under LISTING ATTACHMENTS if you are a featured listing you can upload attachments to your listing and view which ones you already have uploaded.

To the RIGHT of the page you will see how many attachments you have allowed and how many you have uploaded as well as recommended size and supported file types (PDF, PNG, JPG, GIF, RTF, TXT)

Confirming edits

Once you are done and have reviewed all your information click on COMPLETE LISTING at the bottom RIGHT of the page and your listing will be updated.


If you have any problems editing your site please contact for assistance.

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